IVF has been touted as the ultimate in fertility treatments.
This catch-all name can encompass treatments starting from
ovulation induction and IUI,
right through to ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
donor eggs and sperm,
and fully medicated cycles where the woman does not even have a
cycle per say. (AMAZING)
One thing we can be very sure of in all of this, is that your overall health
has a massive role to play in how you respond to treatments.
IVF can be isolating, it's not always easy on your own.
I am in your corner, and will advoate for you,
I will ask about your IVF protocols
and make sure you are asking all the right questions, so you are
getting the service you are paying for.
I am very fortunate in that I can see and compare how different
IVF doctors work and therefore have a unique overview.
Don't forget you are paying them for a service.
Ultimately the aim is for you to be healthy, fit, well, and calm so that you go
through the the process as seamlessly and stress free as possible.
And to this end expect:
chinese herbal medicine
supplementation depending on blood results and being booked ahead for weekly sessions.
Call if you have any questions regarding your own situation.
call 0439 841 413
or press the button below to book an appointment
For more info on how Chinese Medicine can help with IVF email here
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